Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Your smoothie is an asshole

Sitting on the subway this morning I noticed a sickly sweet, pungent smell coming from the guy beside me. I look over and dude is drinking a Rockstar. At 8:00am. WTF. Energy drinks are fine and all (I used to luuurve the Red Bull, but have seen the error of my ways in the form of vivisection-like stomach pain), but aren't they more of a "perk you up before a night on the party-pants train" kind of thing? Anyhoo, it got me thinking about an article I read on Torontoist right before PRIDE.

Another reason I bring this up is because each and every time I've been to the grocery store in the past month or so, I see people buying those Bolthouse Farm smoothie dealies (made by the same bigots/asswipes who make Rockstar). I don't blame people for buying - the packaging is great, all up in there with the bright colours and tasty looking fruits. I'm sure the smoothie part is good too. I'm just relieved that I read that article before I became a devotee. Now I just have to deal with the constant struggle of not saying anything while "Organic Everything/Tree Tattoo/Teencie Weencie Carbon Footprint Guy" in front of me at the checkout buys, like, 20 of them.

I'm sure I buy many things from many companies that are run by giant meanies. But if I can at least avoid the meanies I'm actually aware of, then I feel a smidgen better about things. *This has become my mantra so that I can still shop at American Apparel and not feel bad about supporting Dov Charney's perv-tastic ways.*

And on that note, excuse me while I finish designing my Wal-Mart in-store beluga whale sanctuary...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh no they did not

Search Called Off for New Jersey Baby Lost in Hospital Trash

You know, because it's so easy to mistake a five-pound baby for a crumpled wad of paper towel. I know I do it all the time with my boyfriend's baby niece: "Oh crap, was that the baby I just threw into the compost bin? She looks and feels so similar to that piece of Bounty I just used."

But seriously. SERIOUSLY. I know there must be a ton of medical waste being tossed out during any given day at a hospital; but that kind of negligence is just fuxored. I hope this woman sues and gets the kind of settlement where she'll still be rolling in dough even after paying her lawyer his mondo fee.