Scientologists stole my Fresh Prince DVD's
Alright, I'm a million light years behind with my posts so let's get right into it.
If you're a practicing Scientologist, stop reading now because I don't want you fuckers stalking me around the city in your unmarked cube van. I get enough of that from the Degrassi kids.
Scientology: Hoax? Cult? Stupidest reason ever for Isaac Hayes to quit South Park? A resounding yes to all of the above. Scientology has always seemed cookoo bananas, but one movement in particular has shed much unflattering light on Monsieur Hubbard and his band of merry morons. You may have heard the group "Anonymous" declare their assault on the world's most ridiculous tax shelter with a message on YouTube. I bore witness to the most recent of two Anonymous protests that have taken place in my city and let me tell you, these guys are f'ing organized. Not only have they managed to hold synchronized world-wide demonstrations (well almost, yes I know about time zones, douchebags), but when I accepted a flyer from one of the protesters the dude actually took the time to make sure I knew who they were and the reasons for their protest. Plus they wear costumes and I'm a huge sucker for dress-up time (Tickle Trunk, represent!).
I'm not going to bore you with why I think/know that Scientologists are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. Read up, make up your own mind and for jebus sake, watch some South Park. Because it's funnier than Family Guy. Word.
Aside: Does anyone else think that Scientology's purpose might be akin to the plot of Josie and the Pussycats, where Fiona used subliminal messaging through the Megasound 8000 to convince millions of teenagers that she was cool? How badly would you crap your pants if you found out the whole purpose of Scientology was to try and convince people that Tom Cruise is tall.
I'm not going to bore you with why I think/know that Scientologists are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. Read up, make up your own mind and for jebus sake, watch some South Park. Because it's funnier than Family Guy. Word.
Aside: Does anyone else think that Scientology's purpose might be akin to the plot of Josie and the Pussycats, where Fiona used subliminal messaging through the Megasound 8000 to convince millions of teenagers that she was cool? How badly would you crap your pants if you found out the whole purpose of Scientology was to try and convince people that Tom Cruise is tall.
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